Putting on Weight is easier than losing it. We all know it. For 32-year-old Manisha, a professional, the problem got so bad that she stopped looking in the mirror. Nonetheless, she decided to lose weight and become a better version of herself. She shed all the importance in 6 months with dedicated efforts and strong willpower. Read this story to know how she did it.
Name: Manisha Bahuguna
Occupation: Private Employee
Age: 32 years
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Highest Weight Recorded: 82 kilos
Weight Loss: 24 kilos
The duration it took me to lose Weight: 6 months
The Turning point: I dreaded looking at myself in the mirror. One such day, I decided to switch to a healthier lifestyle.
My Breakfast: The biggest change I made in my life was my diet. I have a cup of skimmed milk in the mornings with two egg whites. A while later, I had a serving of seasonal fruits.
My Lunch: Daal is a must-have for me! I usually like to have one big bowl of daal with one chapati. Having curd or buttermilk is also essential on my lunch plate.
My Dinner: I ensure I have Dinner no later than 7:30 p.m. I usually avoid eating non-vegetarian food ever since I have been dieting. However, if it is a cheat day, I like to have butter chicken! So that I can digest it better, for my Dinner again, I have two chapatis with a bowl of daal and stir-fried vegetables.
Pre-workout meal: Mostly, my workouts begin with a warm glass of water with lemon juice, grated ginger, and honey mixed in it.
Post-workout meal: 4 boiled eggs with a glass of double-toned milk. If I feel hungry, I snack on fruit.
My workout: My workout is a mix of various regimes. I start with running in the morning and follow up with a power yoga session. This has helped me shed kilos faster. My workout involves practicing some Pilates, planks, pushups, and all its evening variations.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by The one thing that has helped me get in shape fast and is something I would suggest everyone do is remove oil from their diet. Trust me, cooking food in less oil can be tasty too! I also make sure to eat all the high-protein vegetables. This has helped me sculpt the muscles around the stomach.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: There is no secret formula; you have to work out like a beast. When it comes to working out, there is no in-between. Training and sweating it out like a beast is what works the best.
How do I stay motivated? I have been working out for myself. However, I remember this one time when somebody looked at me post-transformation and said I reminded them of a model from a commercial. People couldn’t believe that I had two kids!
How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? My phone is loaded with inspiring quotes, messages, and workout videos! After all, we stay glued to our phones 24/7, so why not use them well?
What’s the most difficult part of being overweight? Walking a little distance without losing breath when I was fat was tough. This always bothered me. I am not that old, and my body has zero stamina.
What shape do you see yourself in 10 years down the line? I want to encourage all women and mothers like me who are obese and want to shed weight and tell them that nothing is impossible. Finding time seems difficult at first,t but there is nothing like it once you get into the routine. It would help if you prioritized your life, and you will soon start seeing the changes.
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I was never a morning person, but now I am. I wake up around 4–4:30 am– now. It has helped me get better. Also, I don’t eat anything at any time of the day. I follow a rigid schedule and stick to it.
What was the lowest point for you? It was after I started working out that I hit the lows. When I started working out, I experienced a lot of pain, making it difficult to move. I wanted to quit, but I never gave up.
Lessons learned from weight loss: Positivity is the key. Once you believe in yourself, there is no going back.